
Type of Learning: Observation based

Develop a scientific plan for mining asteroids and extracting space resources!
Let's build the identikit of an alien living on a distant exoplanet!
Build a "transit simulator" in a box using some very simple material and your cell phone!
Let's learn about exoplanets and how to measure their size!
Design, build and launch your rocket into space.
Let’s reveal hidden rainbows around us and the physical processes that make them!
Discover the secrets of Earth's climate zones with a hands-on experience
Who will win in the epic battle between gravity and other forces?
Discover the invisible light with SKAO, the largest radio telescope in the world!
Let's observe the Moon and learn how to measure its motion with simple observations and tools!
Build a simple cross-staff and measure the stars!
Find the exoplanet and determine its size using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope!
Let's discover telescopes and experiment simple optics
Compare the size of the Sun and the Earth building and using a pinhole camera.
Build a homemade spectrometer to discover light
Build a model to learn what light pollution is and what its effects are.
Let's learn how stars in constellations move through time using real astronomical images.
A hands-on introduction to how to read maps of other planets made by space missions.
Learn how to age craters with this Predict, Explain, Observe, Explain Activity!
By understanding how rainbows work, you can discover about light and its properties, learning about stars, nebulae, galaxies, and our Universe.
Lets' investigate gravity, dark matter and dark energy with some very simple experiments!
What are black holes and what would happen if the Sun was replaced by one of them?
How do astronomers detect invisible black holes?
A literal Earth-Shattering experiment that will make us understand impact craters!
Let's observe the evening sky with the naked eye
Build a sundial and discover how time can be measured.
Investigate the effects of light pollution on night sky observation.
Why is the Sun's shadow so important?
Let's think about the night sky and write a poem related to astronomy!
Build a safe Sun viewer using cheap household items
Measure light pollution observing the faintest visible stars!
Build a Magnitude Reader to explore the visibility of stars
Counting Sunspots using real solar images and data.