
Measure the distance to an asteroid with a novel technique
Use maps to learn about the most geologically active world in our Solar System
Explore planet Mars, learning how to use planetary maps!
Learn more about our nearest neighbour
By understanding how rainbows work, you can discover about light and its properties, learning about stars, nebulae, galaxies, and our Universe.
Learn how to build a model of the Sun...which can fit nearly 1 million little Earth balls!
The Earth rotates on its axis, giving us night and day. Just like a "modern" Galileo, use true astronomical observations (using real satellite images) to discover if the Sun (and other celestial objects) are doing the same.
Learn about light and spectra building a spectroscope with a CD!
Learn how the Vikings used the sky to navigate at sea with a hands-on activity!
Learn from maps about the only other known body in the Solar System with seas and lakes
An up close look at our own satellite using planetary maps!
Lets' investigate gravity, dark matter and dark energy with some very simple experiments!
Let's investigate the nature of dark matter and energy with gravitational lensing!
What are black holes and what would happen if the Sun was replaced by one of them?
How do astronomers detect invisible black holes?
Find out the Sun’s rotation period, applying the simple equation of average speed to a real astronomical case.
An educational interdisciplinary game to drive a rover on Mars
Using telescope images of comet C/2019 Y4 we calculate its average speed and understand what a physical quantity is
Let's build a model of the Sun with plasticine and get to know our star!
A game of cards to understand powers of 10 and the very diverse scales in Nature
¡Aprende cómo fechar cráteres con esta actividad de Predicción, Explicación, Observación y Explicación!
A hands-on introduction to how to read maps of other planets made by space missions.
Construye un espectrómetro casero para descubrir la luz
¡Descubre la luz invisible con SKAO, el telescopio de radio más grande del mundo!
Vamos a aprender cómo las estrellas en las constelaciones se mueven a través del tiempo usando imágenes astronómicas reales.
¡Encuentra el exoplaneta y determina su tamaño utilizando datos del Telescopio Espacial Spitzer!
Construye un modelo para aprender qué es la contaminación lumínica y cuáles son sus efectos.
Vamos a hacer un modelo simple de la constelación de Orión
¡Vamos a descubrir telescopios y a experimentar con óptica simple!
¡Construye una ballestilla sencilla y mide las estrellas!
¡Vamos a observar la Luna y a aprender cómo medir su movimiento con observaciones y herramientas simples!
Un taller de bricolaje para crear una obra de arte colectiva con luz