
Tipo de Aprendizaje: Modelling

Learn how to build a model of the Sun...which can fit nearly 1 million little Earth balls!
Learn how the Vikings used the sky to navigate at sea with a hands-on activity!
Lets' investigate gravity, dark matter and dark energy with some very simple experiments!
Let's investigate the nature of dark matter and energy with gravitational lensing!
What are black holes and what would happen if the Sun was replaced by one of them?
How do astronomers detect invisible black holes?
Let's build a model of the Sun with plasticine and get to know our star!
¡Encuentra el exoplaneta y determina su tamaño utilizando datos del Telescopio Espacial Spitzer!
Construye un modelo para aprender qué es la contaminación lumínica y cuáles son sus efectos.