
Skills: Analysing and interpreting data

Build a tactile version of the red planet!
Let's explore Mercury with a tactile, low-cost version!
Develop a scientific plan for mining asteroids and extracting space resources!
Let's build the identikit of an alien living on a distant exoplanet!
Build a "transit simulator" in a box using some very simple material and your cell phone!
Let's learn about exoplanets and how to measure their size!
Design, build and launch your rocket into space.
Let's observe the Moon and learn how to measure its motion with simple observations and tools!
Build a simple cross-staff and measure the stars!
Find the exoplanet and determine its size using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope!
Let's make a simple model of the Orion constellation
Build a homemade spectrometer to discover light
Let's learn how stars in constellations move through time using real astronomical images.
A hands-on introduction to how to read maps of other planets made by space missions.
A game of cards to understand powers of 10 and the very diverse scales in Nature
Using telescope images of comet C/2019 Y4 we calculate its average speed and understand what a physical quantity is
Like a "modern" Galileo, use true astronomical satellite observations to discover if the Sun (and other celestial objects) are rotating!
By understanding how rainbows work, you can discover about light and its properties, learning about stars, nebulae, galaxies, and our Universe.
Learn how to build a model of the Sun...which can fit nearly 1 million little Earth balls!
Find out the Sun’s rotation period, applying the simple equation of average speed to a real astronomical case.
Learn how the Vikings used the sky to navigate at sea with a hands-on activity!
A simple model experiment to understand what makes a planet habitable.
Learn what would happen on Earth if all the ice melted!
Are our oceans turning to acid? Lets' learn how water turns in acid and back.
Why do oceans play an important role in mitigating global warming?
How do satellite-based positioning and GPS navigation work?
Learn how radar altimetry from satellites works and how to put landscapes on paper.
How do satellites take images of the Earth surface and how do we analyse and use them?
Learn about climate from data and graphs
How did Arabian sailors navigate at sea?
Observing what gravity is doing to the Universe
How to navigate at sea like an explorer?
Play with maps, moving your country to another planet!
Unveiling the mystery of "shooting stars": meteors, meteorites and meteroids
A literal Earth-Shattering experiment that will make us understand impact craters!
Learn about our furthest neighbors from planetary maps
Learn from maps about the only other known body in the Solar System with seas and lakes
Use maps to learn about the most geologically active world in our Solar System
An up close look at our own satellite using planetary maps!
Explore planet Mars, learning how to use planetary maps!
Learn more about our nearest neighbour
Learn the ancient skill of Celestial Navigation
Measure the distance to an asteroid with a novel technique
Understand astronomical distances using street lights
Use a globe to describe your position on Earth.
Demonstrate the seasons on Earth using a model.
Air takes up space even though you cannot see it.
Find out why, in the summer it is cooler by the sea than on the land!
Play a game of card and learn about the Sun and planets.
Discover how to read and draw maps by observing.
Build a sundial and discover how time can be measured.
Investigate three dimensional objects and perspective using constellations
Investigate the properties of carbon dioxide with this fun demonstration.
Let's see how the Moon always keeps the same face towards Earth!
Investigate the effects of light pollution on night sky observation.
Build a scale model of the Solar System on your city map
Make a model of the Solar System planets using household materials.
Learn how energy can be transformed into various forms.
Explore a tactile version of our home, the Earth, with household materials.
Explore the tactile version of our moon with household materials.
The basics of galaxy classification, using Hubble Space Telescope images.
Explore the tactile version of our star; the Sun with household materials.
Counting Sunspots using real solar images and data.