
Skills: Developing and using models

Let's learn about exoplanets and how to measure their size!
Design, build and launch your rocket into space.
A tactile activity to understand the size and evolution of stars
Discover the secrets of Earth's climate zones with a hands-on experience
Let's observe the Moon and learn how to measure its motion with simple observations and tools!
Build a simple cross-staff and measure the stars!
Let's make a simple model of the Orion constellation
Compare the size of the Sun and the Earth building and using a pinhole camera.
Build a model to learn what light pollution is and what its effects are.
Let's learn how stars in constellations move through time using real astronomical images.
Learn how to age craters with this Predict, Explain, Observe, Explain Activity!
Using telescope images of comet C/2019 Y4 we calculate its average speed and understand what a physical quantity is
Let's build a model of the Sun with plasticine and get to know our star!
An educational interdisciplinary game to drive a rover on Mars
Learn how to build a model of the Sun...which can fit nearly 1 million little Earth balls!
Lets' investigate gravity, dark matter and dark energy with some very simple experiments!
What are black holes and what would happen if the Sun was replaced by one of them?
How do astronomers detect invisible black holes?
Let's investigate the nature of dark matter and energy with gravitational lensing!
Learn how the Vikings used the sky to navigate at sea with a hands-on activity!
A simple model experiment to understand what makes a planet habitable.
Learn what would happen on Earth if all the ice melted!
Are our oceans turning to acid? Lets' learn how water turns in acid and back.
Why do oceans play an important role in mitigating global warming?
How do satellite-based positioning and GPS navigation work?
Learn how radar altimetry from satellites works and how to put landscapes on paper.
How do satellites take images of the Earth surface and how do we analyse and use them?
Learn about climate from data and graphs
How did Arabian sailors navigate at sea?
Observing what gravity is doing to the Universe
How to navigate at sea like an explorer?
The air circulation system: how are winds created?
Have fun, building asteroids using clay!
Learn about our furthest neighbors from planetary maps
Learn from maps about the only other known body in the Solar System with seas and lakes
Use maps to learn about the most geologically active world in our Solar System
An up close look at our own satellite using planetary maps!
Learn more about our nearest neighbour
Learn the ancient skill of Celestial Navigation
Understand astronomical distances using street lights
Use a globe to describe your position on Earth.
Demonstrate the seasons on Earth using a model.
Build a satellite to learn what they are made of and their uses.
Build an Earth-Moon-Sun mobile to learn about how they orbit.
Learn about constellations by building a star lantern.
Build a timeline of the all Universe!
Build a model of the Milky Way to discover what our galaxy contains.
Build a sundial and discover how time can be measured.
Investigate three dimensional objects and perspective using constellations
Build an hourglass to understand what time is and how it can be measured.
Compare diurnal and nocturnal animals and experiment with day and night.
Let's see how the Moon always keeps the same face towards Earth!
Build a scale model of the Solar System on your city map
Make a model of the Solar System planets using household materials.
A virtual journey to space to learn that we live on a tiny planet, in a vast and empty space.
Explore a tactile version of our home, the Earth, with household materials.
Levitate an astronaut with the power of magnetism!
Explore the tactile version of our moon with household materials.
Create craters and explore the lunar landscape with this hands-on activity.
Explore the tactile version of our star; the Sun with household materials.
Understand the mystery of black holes through a hands-on activity.